NVC’s Successful General Orientation for Returning Students – A.Y. 2023-2024

NVC’s Successful General Orientation for Returning Students – A.Y. 2023-2024

September 6, 2023 – Northwestern Visayan Colleges (NVC) orchestrated a highly successful general orientation event for returning students of A.Y. 2023-2024 at the ABL Sports Complex. The event featured informative sessions, engaging activities, and exciting surprises.

Mr. Lloyd Francisco, Officer in Charge of the Office of Student Affairs, addressed both returning and new students, emphasizing scholarship opportunities and NVC’s rules and regulations.

Mr. Enrique Lent Militar, Supervisor of Physical Plants and Facilities, shared news about upcoming classroom and facility openings in the ASQ Building, promising an enhanced learning environment.

The Student Supreme Council added excitement with engaging activities, including a lively raffle draw. In closing, Mr. Francisco encouraged students to take pride in NVC’s commitment to shaping their best selves. With the enthusiastic support of the NVC community, students eagerly anticipate a year filled with growth and opportunity.

Article by: Niรฑel Luis C. Del Pilar BACOMM 4A

Layout by: Cedrick V. Cusay BACOMM 3A

๐Ÿ“ธJean Gelito BACOMM 2A

๐Ÿ“ธ Hyster Marie Tibus BACOMM 2A



