The Vision

The Research Office will provide support to faculty, staff and student researchers to enable them to produce quality and innovative research advances.

The Mission

To foster a culture of excellence in research, the Research Office:

➣ Provide continuous capability building in quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods research

➣ Encourage internal and external collaborative research.

➣ Establish strong infrastructure to guide researchers.

➣ Communicate the policies to researchers to serve as their guide in conducting their research.

➣ Promote a strong ethical research culture.

➣ Serve as advocate for financial support, both internal and external, for research undertakings.

➣ Develop tie-ups with government and non-government institutions to broaden the research base.

The Values

➣ We believe in upholding the highest ethical standards in our research work.

➣ We are committed to respect our colleagues, fellow researchers, students and stakeholders.

➣ We promote innovative research.

➣ We believe in making our research aligned to the regional, national and international agenda that promote development, peace and prosperity.

➣ We commit to deliver research that will showcase the history, culture and uniqueness of the Aklanon.

➣ We commit to produce quality research.

➣ We commit to support the needs of NVC researchers.

The Goals

➣ We believe in upholding the highest ethical standards in our research work.

➣ We are committed to respect our colleagues, fellow researchers, students and stakeholders.

➣ We promote innovative research.

➣ We believe in making our research aligned to the regional, national and international agenda that promote development, peace and prosperity.

➣ We commit to deliver research that will showcase the history, culture and uniqueness of the Aklanon.

➣ We commit to produce quality research.

➣ We commit to support the needs of NVC researchers.

The Objectives

➣ Encourage the faculty, staff and students to conduct quality research in the various disciplines.

➣ Conduct research aligned to the agenda of the program.

➣ Review research proposals and completed research through an In-House Review.

➣ Present completed research in symposium, forum or colloquium.

➣ Provide rewards and incentives to researchers with completed, presented or published research papers and research outputs utilized by the community.

➣ Establish internal and external collaboration in the conduct of research.

➣ Conduct periodic review, monitoring and assessment of research initiatives.

➣ Create an Ethics Review Committee to scrutinize all research to be undertaken.

➣ Subject all completed research to a Language Editor and Statistician.

➣ Submit completed research to be published in reputable journals.

➣ Ensure that completed research papers are disseminated to be utilized by the community.


Research is one of the major functions of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). It is a show window of institutional competence. It complements and invigorates instruction and extension. Research produces and creates leading edge knowledge and provides dynamism and relevance to instruction program. Without the fruits of labor of the researchers, the extension agents will not have anything to disseminate to students and the wider community.

The Northwestern Visayan Colleges is consistently supportive in promoting our research system to higher level. Considering the dynamic nature of research and with the support of the Commission on Higher Education to HEIs in performing their research and instruction functions, the NVC always attune its research thrusts and agenda along with the trends of the National Higher Research Agenda (NHERA), Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to become more locally responsive and globally competitive.

The Northwestern Visayan Colleges Research Operations Manual is designed to provide the faculty and staff the direction in the research process from planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, and coordinating and in evaluating research and development. With this manual, the NVC could motivate number of researchers to initiate, implement and produce research outputs which eventually lead NVC in transforming into a University.


In consonance with the recommendations of National Higher Education Research Agenda
(NHERA), the research thrusts of Northwestern Visayan Colleges are the following:

  1. Improving the research capability of Northwestern Visayan Colleges to
    become globally competitive.
  2. Advancing faculty, staff and students in all colleges/departments by discipline.
  3. Generating new knowledge/technologiesthrough research.
  4. Promoting and facilitating the dissemination and utilization of research
    outputs to enhance instruction and extension programs


Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β To enhance the research capability of the NVC, the faculty members are expected
to lead in the conduct of research in their disciplines. In support, the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) and the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) recommend
research priorities and allocate funds for research grants, scholarships and for other
research and development programs.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  To ensure effective and efficient promotion of research, the Northwestern Visayan
Colleges takes full responsibility to:

  1. Encourage the faculty, staff and students to conduct disciplinary and/or
    multidisciplinary research projects;
  2. Support research projects with necessary funds, equipment, materials and
    supplies and technical assistance;
  3. Encourage collaborative researches with other higher institutions, government and non- government organizations and industry.
  4. . Provide a system of appropriate rewards and incentives;
  5. Conduct periodic in-house reviews; and
  6. Publish completed and reviewed researches in a refereed journal –
    institutional/local, regional, national or international

Northwestern Visayan Colleges

National Highway, Estancia

Kalibo, Aklan 5600

(036) 262 3439

0938 822 6705